Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Great Big Millimetre Crisis In Hoodwinked Kingdom

A parable to explain the plain truth about the fraudulent
“Global Financial Crisis”

The Millimetre Crisis In Hoodwinked Kingdom
By Christopher Brooks

It came about that a whole kingdom was cast over by a spell from a tiny sect in it's territory that from this day forth all "millimetres" belong and are controlled in supply by their new "mm" bank.
This sect grew in power and found many clever ways to manipulate and pervert the "mm" from it's genuine honest scientific function as a stable medium of exchange.
The sect grew it's influence by supporting the Hocus Pokus University to research the scarcity of "mm" theory and the Spellmaker Press always published the "Coping with limited millimetres stress" reports.
From time to time and place to place the sect adjusted the measure of the "mm" which caused all manner of waste and stress.
Just imagine building a house with an elastic tape measure.
The sect invented new mysterious "markets" that they called “measure swaps”, “length futures” and “area derivatives” that all speculated on the rise and fall in quantities of available "mm" along with their changing dimensions.

New agencies sprouted all about the land delivering the growing new services required to cope with the many effects of the unstable and unpredictable "mm".

Most of the peasants were not even conscious of the "tricky" manipulation of their free and honest access to the physical wealth about them.

The regular surplus of nature and it's generous sufficiency in their work and play was distorted by the peversions of the growing “mm” debts that accrued in the process of living.

Spellbound, they knew no other "reality".

This sect cultivated complex explanations for the growing inability of the community to release the visible physical prosperity of their Kingdom.

Frustrations and dysfunction lead to civil strife and violent fueds became common.

Some peasants did openly question why there was never a shortage of “mm” provided by the bank to make the machinery of conflict, but no “mm” to provide better living circumstances for the very poor.

The Spellmaker Press quarantined these ideas from the general peasantry by branding such dissident thinking as “extremist” and “looney”.

Almost all the peasants were blind to the tricky complexities of spell craft and often unconciously joined in the persecution of their honest fellows.

The Kingdoms ignorence and confusion grew with the passing of time.

Eventually this led to the sect claiming ownership over the litres employed to measure their liquids and on to the page numbers in their books.

The banking sect produced little of any real use beyond administration, but lived a very fine life earning it's fees on all the activity of the bamboozled peasantry.
A day dawned when the Spellmaker Press announced there was a crisis and due to the shortage of "mm" the activities of the kingdom must inevitably decline.
Work became scarce, production declined and less goods were available for consumption because "mm" were no longer of sufficient quantity to measure the natural world.
The living circumstance of the Kingdom was retardedand depression set in, when the life that did exist , could no longer be enjoyed.
The high priests of the banking sect announced that this was to be a very difficult time for all, but the peasants are not qualified to comprehend or understand the complexities that caused us to run short of "mm" while the kingdom remains plump pregnant with all the ingredients for generous prosperity.
In fact the peasants were declared to be at fault because they had been using far too many "mm"and now they had to endure their punishment of a lean period.
What a silly stupid bunch of ignorant peasants.
Isn't it lucky we are too smart to fall for such an obvious scam.

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